Lexington Area MPO Project Storymap

The MPO has planned for many different projects, not just those included in KYTC’s State Highway Plan. Find all Lexington area transportation projects in the MPO’s Project Storymap.
Wondering anything is planned for your neighborhood? Curious if a project is ready for construction? Use the Storymap to find out! If you have questions or comments, please email lexareampo@lexingtonky.gov and someone from the MPO will provide assistance.

Scoring projects for the State Highway Plan

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) uses a data-driven and unbiased approach to select transportation projects. It is called SHIFT. This stands for “Strategic Highway Investment Formula for Tomorrow.” Local transportation leaders sponsor potential projects. Here in the Lexington area, the MPO partners with KYTC’s District 7 to determine a list of projects. The Transportation Policy Committee then approves this list. It is then shared with KYTC so that they can consider which projects to add to the State Highway Plan. This whole process is important because it ensures an objective process to decide how to use limited funds across Kentucky.

The MPO can also “boost” the score of a project. This adds 15 points. If the Bluegrass Area Development District (ADD) joins this boost, the project gets 30 total extra points. Boosting is a great way to elevate a project that will be important to our area!

The MPO scores potential projects to determine if they will make the final list. MPO staff and partners at KYTC District 7 look at different measures to score projects:

  • Safety (15 points) – reduce the number of fatal & serious injury crashes
  • Congestion/reliability (10 points) – hours of vehicle delay + reliable travel time
  • Asset management (15 points) – improvement of pavement & bridge conditions
  • Economic growth (10 points) – access to jobs + freight travel reliability
  • Benefit/cost (15 points) – reduce of fatal & serious injury crashes / cost
  • Resiliency (10 points) – importance of road as a detour
  • Non-motorized mobility (5 points) – bike/walk facility included within scope of work